Hi Guys,


Today is the 5th workout of the Basic Beginner Workout series. 


Depending on your fitness level and the number of rounds you perform, the workout should take you anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes to complete. 


All of the exercises are done from an upright position and no equipment is needed, with the exception of your Gymboss interval timer or a stopwatch to keep track of your intervals. 


The exercises are simple and target all of the major muscle groups in your body to help you burn more calories and maximize your workout. 


The complete workout details are below:





For a 10-minute workout, set your Gymboss Interval Timer  to 20 rounds and two intervals: 10 seconds of rest followed by 20 seconds of work. 


For a 15-minute workout, increase the number of rounds to 30.


There are 5 exercises to be performed one after the other. 


Perform as many repetitions as you can during the 20-second intervals and rest for 10 seconds between each exercise before moving onto the next exercise in the circuit. 


The goal is to complete the circuit 4 to 6 times (or 20 to 30 rounds). 


It is important that you always listen to your body and adjust the intensity as you see fit.  Here are the exercises:


Note: Although not shown in the video, it is very important that you warm-up before your workout and stretch afterwards.


You can find some easy stretches in my previous stretching routine here:  


1. Side Knee Raise Adduction (Right Knee): 

This exercise targets the hip flexors, core, and the glutes (bum) of the supporting leg.


2. Side Knee Raise Adduction (Left Knee): 

Same as above.


3. Sissy Squats: 

Definitely not for sissies!  This exercise targets the quadriceps (front of the thighs) as well as many other stabilizer muscles to keep the body from dropping to the floor!


4. Dynamic Wall Push-Ups: 

This exercise targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Don’t forget to keep the core tight and back neutral throughout the exercise. Progress the exercise by performing them on a single leg and alternating legs with each push-up.


5. Cardio Twists:  

This exercise elevates the heart rate and adds a cardiovascular component to the routine to strengthen the heart.


Keep track of the number of repetitions that you complete each round so that you can try to beat it the next time you try the workout. 




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