Hello B-Fitters!


There are only two days left until the New Year and you should be really proud of yourselves for taking charge of your health NOW.


The holiday season is the perfect excuse for people to wait until the New Year to start making a difference, but in reality, small efforts every day can make significant changes over time without feeling restricted or overwhelmed. 


It begins by loving yourself, respecting your body, and making conscious decisions about the way you treat it.


We all know that cake isn’t healthy for us, but as long as the decision to eat that cake is made consciously and from a place of love for yourself, then yes, by all means enjoy a small piece of cake.  


So many people feel victimized by food and feel the need to sneak, indulge or binge on bad foods and then feel guilty or feel the need to give up their healthy efforts altogether. 


If you shift your mindset to a place where your decisions are first made from a place of love and respect for yourself then you only want what is best for yourself just as we love our children and only want the best for them.


I know this sounds corny or way out there, but I’ve learned to make decisions not from fearing the consequences, but out of respect for myself and my body first.  


And as a result, my body allows me to enjoy the greatest gift of life… good health!


I know I went a bit off track with my little speech, but I hope I inspired at least one person to view things a little differently.


So, today’s workout only has 2 bodyweight exercises, but they work the entire body and cardio, thereby maximizing the 4-minutes.


Get in a quick warm-up (i.e. jumping jacks, running on the spot, big arm circles, etc.) before starting and make sure to stretch after you’re done.


I hope you enjoy it… Be positive!


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