Hello B-Fitters!


YOU DID IT!! The end of the year is here and the holiday celebrations are coming to an end. If you survived the holidays, then the rest of the year should be a breeze for you.


During this time of year, you’ll see articles online, in magazines and newspapers, telling you how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions once and for all. 


You know… like write down your goals, make sure they’re measurable, be specific, be realistic, be accountable, etc. 


And every year, it’s the same old story.


People start off with good intentions, but they rarely follow-through.


If I can offer some advice, it would be to write down all of your goals and dreams no matter how big or unrealistic they may be and read them on a daily basis.


Don’t even let yourself stop yourself from putting them down on paper because it will happen. 


You will think of a goal but that little devil on your shoulder (a.k.a. your fears) will try to convince you to change or modify it.  


Everything and I mean everything that we do begins with a thought! Your thought directs your focus and attention. 


When you are focused on a goal, your eyes see opportunities that weren’t present before that will bring you closer to your goals  – no matter how big or difficult.


It all begins with a thought!


So today’s workout is the last workout of my “B-Fit in 4-Minutes” series.


I would love to hear how they have helped you or whatever suggestions you may have to improve the videos.


One of my goals this year is to redesign my website and produce better quality videos for all of you. 


As always, make sure you get in a quick warm-up (i.e. jumping jacks, running on the spot, big leg swings & arm circles, etc.) before starting and make sure to stretch after you’re done.


Wishing you all a safe and happy New Year!


Be positive! 


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