22JuneJuly 3, 2021 Root Cause of Migraines I’ve addressed headaches before but migraines are different. They are characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head,... by Bernadette Abrahamin Food & Lifestyle, HealthTags adrenals, headache, hormone imbalance, hormones, hydrate, hydration, magnesium, migrains, oxygen, pain, toxins, water00
21JuneAugust 16, 2021 The Best Forms & Uses of Magnesium What do headaches, constipation, insomnia, high blood pressure, anxiety, asthma, spasms, muscle cramps, low vitamin D and low energy have... by Bernadette Abrahamin Food & Lifestyle, HealthTags anxiety, blood pressure, constipation, headache, insomnia, magnesium, magnesium benefits, magnesium deficiency, muscle cramps, supplements00