Recently, I asked you to list your top 5 health struggles you’d like to resolve. FATIGUE was up there!And since...
Archive for tag: functional medicine

Stress and Adrenals
What’s the point of highlighting common types of stress? Because it all means the same thing to the brain… “we’re...

Folate Not Folic Acid
“Folate” & “folic acid” are often used interchangeably, but they’re not at all the same and here’s why you should...

Signs of Insulin Resistance and How to Reverse it
Do you crave something sweet in the afternoon, get “hangry” if you miss a meal or have any of the...

Benefits of Sole Water
Do you crave salty food and/or salt your food before even tasting it?These are classic signs of salt deficiency and...

Your Probiotics Guide 101
First things first. When a new client tells me they take probiotics, it’s the same thing as telling me they...

Low Iron: 13 Root Causes & Solutions
Iron deficiency anemia is quite common unfortunately.It occurs when iron intake and stores are insufficient to support production of the...

Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance
Have you heard of seed cycling before?I don’t know about you, but no one ever explained to me how our...

Say Goodbye to UTIs
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve helped clients avoid courses of antibiotics for a brewing urinary tract...