This isn’t my typical post but it’s an important conversation to have.
I recently met someone who eats McDonald’s Every. Single. Day!
I also know other people addicted to soda who drink 5 to 6 cans per day.
One thing I’ve learned over the years working with private clients is to always meet people where they’re at.
It’s unreasonable to recommend to someone who eats fast food every day to start cooking homemade meals like wild-caught salmon and broccoli.
It IS possible however to order salad with that fast food burger and choose water over soda as their next health swap.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the information I share and from other health and nutrition experts you follow, I don’t want you to feel discouraged or ever compare their journey to yours.
Healthy living is a lifelong journey unique to each individual and every little health swap – no matter how small – IS PROGRESS and key to sustainable change.
But it has to feel doable in order to start!
So I’m giving you permission to let go of that image of “what perfect health should look like” and recreate a new one that will propel you forward.

👉🏻 If you don’t know how to cook, then grab a bag of frozen veggies and defrost them in the microwave as a side dish to complement your takeout dinner.
👉🏻 If you’re addicted to soda, then switch to a flavored drink sweetened with stevia instead of one with refined sugar and phosphoric acid.
👉🏻 If organic is out of reach, then conventional fruits and veggies are still better than none at all.
👉🏻 If the thought of exercise is daunting, then set a reminder every 30 minutes to stand-up and walk around.
There are so many options!
It’s all about progress – not perfection.
Start with what feels doable and keep moving forward!
I want to hear from you now – what’s your next step going to be?
Please share with someone who needs to know “they’ve got this!”
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