How To Detox After Swimming

Summer is around the corner and there might be a fair amount of swimming in chlorinated or brominated pools.⁣

Chlorine is toxic no doubt and affects thyroid function, but swimming has amazing health benefits.🤷‍♀️ ⁣

So how can we gain all the benefits while minimizing the risks?⁣
⁣If possible, switch to an ozonated (best) or ionization (better) filtration system.
⁣I’m looking at getting an ionization system which reduces the chlorine levels between 85 – 90% by passing the water through copper and silver electrodes. Copper keeps algae down and silver is anti-microbial. I’ll keep you all posted if I’m happy with it…⁣
⁣FYI – salt water pools are still chlorinated systems, and bromine is worse than chlorine.
⁣Increase antioxidant levels in the body to help cells become more resilient with things like:⁣
⁣✔️vitamin C⁣
⁣✔️vitamin E⁣
⁣✔️Vitamin D⁣
⁣✔️Healthy fats for better cell membranes⁣
According to Dr. Mark Sircus, the only effective way to detox from halides is with a flood of iodine to help displace chlorine, bromine, fluoride etc from cell receptors so we can flush them out in urine. Obviously, hydration is also key!

As shown in my video, I consume more iodine-rich foods like kelp sprinkles and other sea vegetables which are packed with iodine.
⁣👉🏻I like to take about 1 teaspoon on the days I swim and give my kids ~¼ to ½ tsp. Kelp sprinkles are easy to use – just sprinkle it over food like salt. They have a mild seaweed taste and aren’t bad tasting at all. ⁣
⁣Seaweed snacks is another good alternative, but I avoid the ones made with sunflower oil. I like the original flavor by SeaSnax made with extra virgin olive oil.⁣

Hope this was helpful. If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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