“Folate” & “folic acid” are often used interchangeably, but they’re not at all the same and here’s why you should...
Author archive for: Bernadette

Signs of Insulin Resistance and How to Reverse it
Do you crave something sweet in the afternoon, get “hangry” if you miss a meal or have any of the...

Healthy Oil Choices
Ever wondered where canola oil comes from? Not the canola plant that’s for sure. It doesn’t exist. Or it didn’t...

Does Winter Make You ‘SAD’? (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Winter is here and low mood often comes along with it. But Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, is more than...

Healthy Sugar Swaps
Willpower and deprivation have no room in a healthy lifestyle. Instead I believe in finding healthier alternatives and these healthy...

Start with Baby Steps, Not Giant Leaps
This isn’t my typical post but it’s an important conversation to have. I recently met someone who eats McDonald’s Every....

Benefits of Sole Water
Do you crave salty food and/or salt your food before even tasting it?These are classic signs of salt deficiency and...

Causes of Bloating & 6 Herbs To Reduce It
Bloating has you looking 4 months pregnant?This has to be one of the most common digestive complaints and usually boils...

Healthy Snack Swaps For Kids
I was out with a good friend the other day and she was feeling guilty about being a “mean mom”...

The Right Way to Eat Nuts
Proper preparation of nuts is one of these traditions, which I discuss in greater detail in my upcoming book Unjunk....

Can’t Have Rice, Pasta or Gluten? Try These Low Carb, Gluten-Free Swaps Instead
Who are these suggestions meant for? It’s for the person who wants to:✔️reduce gluten✔️reduce grains and flour in their diet✔️regulate...

Your Probiotics Guide 101
First things first. When a new client tells me they take probiotics, it’s the same thing as telling me they...

How to Relieve Constipation
If you’re not pooping at least once per day or if it’s a real struggle – you’re constipated.Pooping is like...

The Importance of Sleep – Part 1
The 3 things I tackle first and foremost with any new client are headaches, bowel issues (i.e. constipation/diarrhea), and sleep!...

Are You Vitamin ‘G’ Deficient
I know what you’re thinking… does vitamin G even exist?Technically no, but it’s so incredibly powerful for our health that...