Hi guys,


The end of the week is here and since I’ll be busy preparing for my eldest son’s birthday party this Saturday, I needed a “no-brainer” workout. 


What that means is that I’m training every major muscle group individually but I’m using my interval timer to track my sets instead of counting repetitions. 


It’s a great full body workout that will only take you 14 minutes to do. 


If you’re a beginner or pressed for time, you can cut the time in half by only doing one set of each exercise instead of two.


Remember to always include a warm-up and stretches afterwards. The full workout details are below:




Workout Details:


Set your Gymboss Interval Timer to 14 rounds of 2 intervals: 15 seconds of rest followed by 45 seconds of work.


There are 7 different exercises and you will perform 2 consecutive sets for each exercise. 


You will do each exercise for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds before performing the next exercise in the circuit.


Take a quick sip of water and stretch if you need to during your 15-second rest intervals.


Here is the sequence and more details:


Exercise Sequence:


1. Split Squat Jump (Left Leg) for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

2. Split Squat Jump (Right Leg) for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

3. Burpee Push-Up for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

4. Burpee Push-Up  for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

5. Stiff Legged Deadlift for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

6. Stiff Legged Deadlift for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

7. Bent Over Row for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

8. Bent Over Row for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

9. Super(wo)man for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds. 

10. Super(wo)man for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

11. Opposite Heel Touch  for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

12. Opposite Heel Touch for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

13. Single Leg Calf Raise (Left Leg) for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.

14. Single Leg Calf Raise (Right Leg) for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.


If you’re a beginner, listen to your body and only do one set or reduce the interval time to 30 seconds or less to reduce the intensity.


Exercise Details: 


**Remember to activate your core in each exercise by sucking in your belly button towards your spine and breathing throughout the range of motion.


1. Split Squat Jumps: 

This exercise targets the thighs and glutes (bum).  The jump also makes it a great cardio exercise.  Beginners can eliminate the jump and simply perform a split squat using their own bodyweight or with added weight.


2. Burpee Push-Up: 

The burpee mainly targets the legs and core, but is considered a full body exercise as it involves many muscle groups as well as cardio.  The push-up targets the chest, shoulders and triceps.  Beginners can choose to walk the feet in and out instead of jumping and perform the push-up from your knees or a box position.


3. Stiff Legged Deadlift: 

This exercise targets the hamstrings (back of thighs) and glutes (bum), as well as the lower back.  Make sure that you keep your legs and back straight throughout the exercise.  Do not round out your back at the top. Also make sure that you keep the weights close to your body.  If you are inflexible, slightly bend your knees to help you keep your back flat. If you don’t have weights, you can carry a big bag of rice or a stack of heavy books.


4. Bent Over Row: 

This exercise the back.  Make sure that you bend your knees slightly and keep your back flat and parallel to the floor.  Squeeze your shoulder blades together before lowering your arms back down.


5. Super(wo)man: 

This exercise targets your lower back, glutes, and shoulders.  Make sure that you keep your head neutral and avoid jerking your head up.  Keep your body in one line as you lift off the ground.


6. Opposite Heel Touch: 

This exercise targets your abs and more specifically your obliques. Keep your shoulders lifted off the floor the entire time.


7. Single Leg Calf Raise: 

This exercise targets the calves.  For added difficulty, hold a dumbbell in the hand of the working leg or perform the exercise off a step to create a greater range of motion.


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